What We Do
GLSEN New Mexico supports students and educators locally, organizes around LGBTQ+-affirming public policy, plans educator trainings, and hosts events for students, educators, parents, and allies.
As part of the chapter network, GLSEN New Mexico works in collaboration to play an important role in bringing GLSEN’s programs and visions to right where we live, work, and learn.
Volunteer with GLSEN New Mexico!
GLSEN New Mexico is a volunteer-based organization. We're always looking for new volunteers to help us ensure safe schools for all students.
GLSEN NM Featured Programs
GLSEN Rainbow Library
The Rainbow Library is a GLSEN program that sends LGBTQ+ affirming text sets to schools across the country - for free.
Any full-time staff member at a K-12 school in a participating state is welcome to request a Rainbow Library. All types of K-12 schools are eligible: district, magnet, charter, and independent. Each school that applies will be eligible for one Rainbow Library text set, and sets are provided on a first-come, first served basis.
New Mexico Rainbow Library funded in part by the New Mexico Department of Health's Office of Student and Adolescent Health.
For more information visit the Rainbow Library Website.

Professional Development
When educators are visibly supportive of LGBTQ+ students, everyone benefits. GLSEN offers tools and resources to thousands of educators who seek to make their classrooms and schools a safe place for all students.
GLSEN NM offers a variety of trainings including GLSEN's Intentional Inclusion Series and QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Suicide Prevention Training.
In addition to formal training, GLSEN NM can offer one-on-one or group coaching to educators, leaders, and community members regarding LGBTQ+ inclusion.
TQA (Trans, Queer, Ally) Youth and Educator Summit
The TQA Pride: Youth and Educator LGBTQ+ Summit is an annual event that we host to engage youth, educators, and community to learn, thrive, and grow. The summit is youth and educator-centric with a focus on growing and learning to create and maintain equitable and safe spaces for intersectional youth.
The event aims at creating spaces where youth and educators can learn more about LGBTQ+ topics in a safe and affirming environment.
The annual summit works in a hybrid model to help New Mexicans across the state have access to the unique educational experience.
Visit the TQA Pride Summit tab for the latest summit information.
TQA Pride Youth + Educator LGBTQ+ Summit funded in part by the New Mexico Department of Health's Office of Student and Adolescent Health.

GLSEN Other Programs

Awareness Campaigns
GLSEN NM runs various awareness campaigns throughout the year that focus on different elements of the intersectional LGBTQ+ experience. This includes, but is not limited to behavioral health, GLSEN days of action, resources, etc.

Educator Outreach and Networking
GLSEN NM attends events throughout year to share resources and connect with community. In addition, GLSEN NM host events to bring community together, including, but not limited to community ice cream socials and educator TeachOUTs.
Visit our Events tab for upcoming events.

Policy Advocacy
GLSEN NM works at various levels of governance to ensure safe and affirming policies are being enacted to protect LGBTQ+ youth and educators. The New Mexico chapter has a focus on district level policy, but also works in the state and national policy arenas as well. GLSEN NM was the proud supporter of the Safe School for All Act, an enumerated anti-bullying act protecting all New Mexico Youth.
Contact Us
We would love to hear from you. Reach out and let us know if you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback.